Generations of Pride


- 7:00pm


Hotel Leo, 1224 Cornwall Ave


Generations of Pride is a community potluck dinner for LGBTQ+ people and allies in the Bellingham/Whatcom community.

Hosted by Western Washington University's LGBTQ+ Western, Bellingham Queer Collective, and the Bellingham/Whatcom Chapter of PFLAG. Discussions are led by faculty and students from Western's Psychology Department's Listen Lab.

Each month we have a different topic for discussion with breakouts to help connect LGBTQ+ people across generations.

Bringing food it not required, but highly encouraged! At this time, we are only bringing vegetarian and vegan meals that are homemade for food safety reasons. If you'd like to bring meat-based dishes, you may bring ready-to-eat food from a restaurant such as pizza.

Come and go as you need to and please bring friends! Main event starts around 5:30.

AA/EO. Accessibility Statement: This event is intended for all participants, including those with visible or non-apparent disabilities.  For disability accommodation(s) (such as ASL interpretation, etc.) please contact the Centers, Advance notice is appreciated and sometimes necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs.

Image Description: A black tree on a white background with a rainbow and birds. Logos from PFLAG, Bellingham Queer Collective, Generations of Pride, LGBTQ+ Western, and Western Washington University. Last Wednesday of every month 5-7pm Bellingham Senior Activity Center