November 2024

Co-Curricular Engagement Opportunities, Community-Building & Support Resources, and Help with Academics

The November 5 election is the first time many undergraduate Western students can vote in a presidential election. And discourse about the national and state elections is saturating our environment. In this context, here are upcoming Western events and resources to support students’ wellbeing, academic success, and civic engagement -- including engagement opportunities for all regardless of eligibility to vote. These offerings are organized by departments across Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.

Civic Engagement and Co-Curricular Learning

This week and into November, there are multiple opportunities to learn about issues on the November ballot and fundamental to American democracy, participate in conversations about issues important to you, envision the future you want to inhabit, and get involved in community organizations that are that are working towards this future. On Election Day, the Voter Hub, hosted by the Office of Civic Engagement, will be open from 8am to 8pm in the VU MPR for students to register, print their ballots, and vote. 

Discussions during regular support and affinity group gatherings hosted by the Black Student Coalition, Disability Outreach Center, and LGBTQ+ Western

Sustaining Democracy in Polarized Times, Fall Munro Seminar

Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29
Wilson Library Reading Room

On October 28, the Munro Institute for Civic Education hosts a keynote conversation on “Political Violence, Polarization and the Prospects for Democracy in the US and Abroad” at 5pm.  On October 29, the Institute hosts two panel discussions. Cutting Through Noice: Sustaining Democracy on the Ground begins at 2pm. Securing our Ballots, Securing our Votes at 4pm. 


Monday, October 28, 6:30 to 8:30pm
Underground Coffeehouse, floor 3 of the Viking Union

Students will be able to register to vote before the midnight deadline for online registration and will learn about the WA State initiatives on the ballot and can have their ballot printed for them if needed. There will also be free refreshments and live music from local band Harbor Day. Organized by the Office of Civic Engagement and AMP (Arts & Music Productions). 

Munro at the Movies viewing of Lynden

Wednesday, October 30, beginning at 5pm
Arntzen Hall 100

Join the Ralph Munro Institute for Civic Education and the Woodring College of Education for a free screening of the documentary Lynden. Director Bryan Tucker will join us to speak about the film and answer audience questions. Free and open to students, faculty/staff and the public. We will also serve light refreshments. Organized by the Ralph Munro Institute for Civic Education.

Voter Hub

Tuesday, November 5, 8am to 8pm
Multi-purpose Room, floor 6 of the Viking Union

Are you prepared for this upcoming election day? Is this your first time voting in a major election? Are you registered and fully informed to vote? These questions are daunting, but the Office of Civic Engagement has you covered with Voter Hub! Voter Hub is your one-stop-shop to register to vote, print out your ballot, and cast it immediately! If you have any questions about what's on your ballot, how the process goes, or even just "what does this mean?" our wonderful OCE and Voter Registration Volunteer Staff have got you covered! We're running this event ALL DAY from 8am to 8pm, drop by and have your voice be heard!

Multicultural Student Services Day of Action & Resistance

Tuesday, November 5, 10am to 5pm
Throughout the Multicultural Center, floor 7 of the Viking Union

Join the Office of Multicultural Student Services throughout Election Day for community spaces with activities focused on empowerment and wellness. Drop by the Black Student Coalition on the 5th floor of the VU to make blankets for people experiencing houselessness, write affirmations for undocumented students in the MCC kitchen, write to your elected officials about policy matters important to you, and do some crafty vision-boarding about the kind of world you want to inhabit.

Volunteer Fair

Wednesday, November 6, 12 to 2pm
Multi-purpose Room, floor 6 of the Viking Union

The Community Service Center will host several local organizations on campus. Come meet the organizations the CSC works with! This event will offer you the valuable opportunity to connect with organizations to discover their mission, needs, and explore ways you can contribute to our local community. Organized by the Leadership & Community Engagement Center.

What Happened? What We Know and What We Don’t

Thursday, November 7, 4 to 5:30pm
Miller Hall 138

Join us for a discussion with political science faculty and the Office of Civic Engagement just after the election to dive into what is known and what remains unknown. Staff from the Counseling & Wellness Center will also be on hand and available to students. This event is part of the Beyond the Surface series co-Organized by the Ralph Munro Institute for Civic Education and the Centers for Student Access, Community, and Intercultural Engagement.

“Let Us Vote!” Youth Voting Rights in the USA and Globally 

Wednesday, November 13, 12 to 1:20pm
Fairhaven Auditorium 300

Part of the Fairhaven World Issues Forum, with Jennifer Frost, Professor, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Organized by the Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies.

The Swinging Pendulum of Discretion: The US 2024 Elections and Undocumented Students and Family Members

Wednesday, November 20, 12 to 1:20pm
Fairhaven Auditorium 300

Part of the Fairhaven World Issues Forum. Panelists are Hannah Stone, immigration attorney; Quacyya Cuaresma, undocumented student retention specialist at WWU; Lourdes Gutierrez Nájera, associate professor of Latinx Studies. Organized by the Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies.

The Centers Community Lunch: UndocuAlly Training

Wednesday, December 4, 12 to 1pm
Multicultural Center 735

Come learn about how to support your peers who are undocumented and build your activism toolkit. After this training, peer allies will be able to raise awareness about the policies and systems that impact undocumented students and students from mixed-status families, build their ally-ship toolkit, and identify strategies for student activism at WWU. Lunch provided.

Freedom of expression resources

The right to freedom of speech, petition, and assembly is protected by the U.S. and Washington constitutions. Western recognizes that these rights are fundamental to the democratic process, learning, scholarly inquiry, and creative activity. A Guide to Expressive Activities at Western and related FAQs are online.

Build Community, De-Stress, and Find Support

We know people have a variety of feelings around the election, including excitement, stress, and anxiety, and sometimes a mix of these and more. The coming weeks offer resources for navigating some of these emotions. Take a break with therapy animals, engage in embodied self-care practices, and join us at gatherings focused on building community and joyfully celebrating our many cultures and communities. 

The Centers for Student Access, Community, and Intercultural Engagement have a calendar of events focused on community building and cultural celebrations. From community lunch and learns every Wednesday at noon in the Multicultural Center to the Generations of Pride monthly dinner on October 30 at the Bellingham Senior Activity Center to a Día de los Muertos celebration at Whatcom Community College on November 1 to UndocuAlly Training on December 4, there are many ways to meet people and get engaged.


The Counseling & Wellness Center provides crisis support, phone consultations, regular clinical services, weekly community check-ins, and wellness workshops.


Drop-in Yoga

Ongoing, every Monday and Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30pm
Viking Union 565

Need to de-stress before a long week of classes? Learn some mindfulness techniques and ways to help improve your physical and mental health. These yoga sessions are intended to be an inclusive space for all experience and ability levels. Mats and blocks provided, but please feel welcome to bring your own items. Organized by the Outdoor Center.

World Kindness Day

Friday, November 1
Miller Hall Collaborative Space

World Kindness Day is typically celebrated later in November, but this year Western is celebrating a bit early. Visit with the sweet dogs from Whatcom Therapy Dogs from 10 to 11:30am and 12 to 1:30pm in the Miller Collaborative Space. There will also be a booth with cocoa and coffee outside of Miller Hall.

Veterans Week Events

Week of November 4

In honor of the sacrifices of veterans and their families, Western welcomes veterans and dependents to participate in all free events throughout the week of November 4. Organized by the Veteran Services Office.

First-Generation Celebration

Monday, November 4, 3 to 4:30pm
Viking Union Multipurpose Room

Whether you identify yourself as first-gen or wish to show your support as a first-gen student success advocate, this celebration is a great time to learn about available resources, casually connect with first gen students and faculty and staff who were once first-gen learners themselves, and enjoy food and give-aways. Hosted by Student Success Initiatives and the First Year, First Gen club.

Ethnic Student Center Collab Council Rest Day

Monday, November 4, 5 to 7pm
Viking Union 735

Ethnic Student Center club members are invited to an evening of relaxation, destressing and wellness activities. Organized by the office of Multicultural Student Services.

Multicultural Student Services Day of Action & Resistance

Tuesday, November 5, 10am to 5pm
Throughout the Multicultural Center, floor 7 of the Viking Union

Join the Office of Multicultural Student Services throughout Election Day for community spaces with activities focused on empowerment and wellness. Drop by the Black Student Coalition on the 5th floor of the VU to make blankets for people experiencing houselessness, write affirmations for undocumented students in the MCC kitchen, write to your elected officials about policy matters important to you, and do some crafty vision-boarding about the kind of world you want to inhabit.

Cena y Aprenda

Wednesday, November 6, 6-7:30pm
Multicultural Center Kitchen, floor 7 of the Viking Union

Join La Plaza for Raíces Curativas, an exploration of traditional Latin American healing practices like Mal de Ojo, Curanderismo, and Santería. This event will dive into the cultural roots and remedies of these traditions, offering insights on spiritual and physical wellness through community and self-care practices.Organized by La Plaza Latine Student Center, Office of Multicultural Student Services.

Career Services Center: Providing Support in Uncertain Times

Thursday, November 7, 9-11:00am
Old Main 280

The Career Services Center will have staff available from 9:00AM to 11:00AM on November 7th in Old Main 280 for anyone who would like to stop in and talk, whether you need career guidance, a space to refocus on your professional goals, or just someone to listen. 

Visit with Animals!

Thursday, November 7, 2-3:00pm
Red Square

Visit with goats, chickens, rabbits, and maybe even a miniature horse or mule. Animals as Natural Therapy is bringing their friends to campus for a short and sweet time with Western students. Organized by the Office of Civic Engagement and The Centers.

Black Student Coalition Love Space

Thursday, November 7, 4:30 to 5:30pm
Black Student Coalition, Viking Union 504

The BSC welcomes you to Love Space; a dedicated environment designed to support, uplift, and empower you throughout your academic and personal journey. This space is more than just a physical area; it is a nurturing community where your identity, experiences, and aspirations are celebrated and valued. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in open discussions and share experiences in a supportive and respectful setting. Organized by the Black Student Coalition, Office of Multicultural Student Services.

UndocuJoy Celebration: 10+ Years of Advocacy at WWU

Thursday, November 14, 6 to 8pm
Multicultural Center social area, floor 7 of the Viking Union

Founding members of the Blue Group began advocating for undocumented students in 2013! Celebrate undocu-joy and advocacy with food and activities. Organized by the Blue Resource Center, Office of Multicultural Student Services.

Cookies, Cocoa, and Community

Monday, November 18, 1:30 to 3:00pm
Viking Union 565

Come together to meet other students, build community, and get a refresher about resources at Western to support your success and well-being. This event will include a chill activity to meet new people, a panel of students sharing about how they made friends and found helpful resources in their first year at Western, and time to visit with Western offices that are here to support YOU. Plus, cookies and cocoa! The event is geared toward students who are new to Western this year and is warmly open to all students. Hosted by Associated Students Government, The Centers, and Student Engagement.

Other events

You can find many other upcoming events, from happenings in the Rec Center to club events and workshops, on the WIN Events page.

Academic Support Resources

With the quarter well underway and energies being pulled toward the elections, academic support resources can be a valuable way to care for yourself too. From sessions with academic advisors as you prepare for Winter quarter registration to help with study skills or getting that paper written with the Tutoring Center and Research & Writing Studio, we encourage you to take advantage of the many resources at Western to support your success. 

Registration for Winter quarter starts Tuesday, November 12! Meet with an academic advisor from the Academic Advising and Student Achievement Center to plan Winter registration.

  • Drop-in advising with peer advisors and professional advisors is available daily in person or on Zoom. Or you can schedule an in-person appointment. Details on the AASAC website.
  • Professional advisors will be in the Black Student Coalition, Disability Access Center, and Multicultural Center in November for pop-up advising. The schedule is online.
  • Live in a residence hall? Meet with an advisor in the evening for root beer floats and help with winter class planning.


The Tutoring Center in the Library offers drop-in tutoring and study skills coaching. Study skills support includes help with note-taking, planning and focus, and time management.


Need help with a paper you’re working on? The Hacherl Research & Writing Studio in the Library can help in-person or via chat or video call, or asynchronously through their draft submission service. Research & Writing Assistants can also be a partner to help you with homework, projects, and more throughout the quarter and can meet with you weekly. There are hours for assistance in Spanish every day except Saturday.

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